Teacher Training
“The success of education is limited by the quality of the teacher.”
Over the years we have been delivering education to the displaced children of Myanmar, we have employed hundreds of teachers. People who are passionate about education. People who gave all they could to sow into the lives of their students. Amazing people of all ages and from all backgrounds. Thanks to their dedication, our schools over the years, have graduated many of the top students from among the refugee communities. Sourcing and training our teaching staff has been a constant challenge and the need to provide better training has been apparent for some time.
In 2012, Effective Aid International formed a partnership with Bethlehem Tertiary Institute (BTI), a private university in New Zealand, to provide a formal 2 year teacher training program serving the people on the Thai-Myanmar border.
BTI provide the course, curriculum, delivery and assessment of this Diploma in Teaching Studies, while Effective Aid International is responsible for student support, buildings and other resource.
Senior staff from BTI, New Zealand visit four times a year to introduce new subjects to our students and we have two full-time NZ volunteers appointed by BTI to facilitate the teaching and assessment.
It has been an exciting journey, with our first amazing graduates completing their Diploma in February 2014. As they go forth into our schools they will take with them the knowledge and skills to bring education to a level comparable to that in most developed countries.
Visit our online Gift Shop and purchase items that will support this vital program to develop teachers.
Management and Accountability
Effective Aid International is an Australian registered charity operating as a non-profit company limited by guarantee. Ian Aitchison founded the organisation in 2005 to bring accountability and better structure to the work he had commenced almost 10 years previously.
In 2015 Chris McConnell with wife Debra took on the challenge of moving EAI work into Karen State. Burma. We currently have 5 schools in Karen State, 4 of which are completely run by EAI and we are also assisting a failing school.
We are about to start building a regional school in the southern part of Karen State in a town on the boarder of Burma and Thailand. With the Thailand military Government increasingly putting pressure on the refugees to return to Myanmar. These boarder towns are set to swell with population.
The organisation, based on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, is managed by a Board of Directors and complies with all relevant Australian company and tax laws.
Its finances are audited annually by a qualified independent auditor and returns lodged with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
The organisation is also registered with the Australian Tax Office as a Level 2 Deductible Gift Recipient and as such authorised to issue tax deductible receipts to Australian donors for gifts over $2 into approved projects.
Effective Aid International is proud to be in partnership with the Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993), an Australian Non Government Organisation carrying out humanitarian projects with approved partners and providing aid to relieve poverty and provide long term solutions through the provision of quality aid and development projects.
Global Development Group takes responsibility for Effective Aid International’s projects according to Australian Overseas Aid & Development rules, providing a governance role and assisting in the areas of planning, monitoring, evaluating and auditing to ensure that the projects delivered by Effective Aid International are carried out to Australian requirements.
For more information about Global Development Group, visit www.globaldevelopment.org.au.